Interactive Suture Trainer, Light
Interactive Suture Trainer, Light
American Heart Month

Interactive Suture Trainer, Light

Item # LF00890

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Features & Specifications
  • Trusted Vendorby Nasco Healthcare
    A trusted GT partner
  • 5-Year Warranty
    Provided by manufacturer
  • USA flagMade in USA
    Manufactured in the U.S
  • GSA PricingGov't pricing
    Available upon request
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Store Ratings: 4.7/5 GT Reviews (1900+ Reviews)
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Life/form® Interactive Suture Trainer, Light

The Life/form® Interactive Suture Trainer offers students a true-to-life clinical simulation experience. The trainer attaches easily to a person’s or manikin’s arm, leg, or hip, allowing practice of suturing techniques in addition to essential communication and patient interaction skills. This convenient, cost-effective kit offers practice at all skill levels, including tying knots, placement of staples, and suturing both superficial and deep wounds. By making their own incisions, the instructor or student is able to determine the depth of suturing and the proper technique to be used.

Wounds automatically open when cut. Includes suture pad, attachable pad base with straps, needle holder, suture scissors, tissue forceps, scalpel, soft carrying case, nylon suture, instrument case, and instruction manual.

Pad in base measures 7" L x 3" W x 4" D.

Replacement available:
  • Interactive Suture 1 Pad - White (LF00891)
  • Interactive Suture 3 Pads - White (LF00891A)
Made in USA by Nasco Healthcare and sold by GTSimulators.

Five-year warranty.

GTSimulators by Global Technologies
"Simulators for Education"
NascoAuthorized Dealer.

Customer Reviews

Based on 1 review
The scapel wasn't very sharp

The scapel wasn't very sharp and there were no instructional aids for suturing.

by Nasco Healthcare   —   Item # LF00890
Interactive Suture Trainer, Light
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2.0 lb